
Friday, October 28, 2011

Morning Coffee - Saying Grace with Brenda

"where grace swirls around us all day -- intercepting, under-girding, increasing, changing, deepening, enriching?"   Brenda

Brenda, who blogs at It's a Beautiful Life, expressed this thought on her blog today along with a weekend challenge.  Read her post here: Saying Grace

I'm joining in on the challenge to experience the intercepting, under-girding, increasing, changing, deepening, enriching power of Grace.

I believe I will first "say Grace" and then enjoy a second cup of coffee!



  1. Brenda has a beautiful blog, that's for sure. I'll go over there and read it.

  2. Expressing our gratitude all the time in everything and blessing the Giver of all good gifts - saying grace - great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ahhh.... I was coming to visit you, Sandy, and I sorta thought... oh another person is writing about grace. And here it's me you're posting about!!

    Thanks for sharing the posting here. It's interesting... all through the day I've been remembering, but not necessarily at the beginning of a new task, often in the middle of it. But I feel His smile when I do remember...

    Jane, you are sweet to say so!

    Karin, I've just popped over to say hi -- are you enjoying the grey skies and blustery breezes today? I'm hankering to make an apple cake of some sort. I found Rachel Allen's Dutch Apple Cake online -- looks perfect for such a day.
