
Monday, January 31, 2011

Morning Coffee - In this very place

This thing is from me.  I Kings 12:24

“This thing is from me.  I am the God of circumstances.  You came not to this place by accident; it is the very place God meant for you.” 
Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman
Streams in the Desert

The very place.  This exact place; right here; right now; meant for me.  Am I making the most of it?  Am I doing in this place what I ought to be doing? Time for a second cup of coffee and some serious soul searching as I begin this day.



  1. I'll go get my 2nd cup and join you! Yes, this is where HE wants me!

  2. I love your confidence in where you are, Karin. I need to have coffee with you more often - maybe I'd pick some of that confidence up!!

  3. Sometimes you gotta wonder at the actual physical place He wants you! Two feet of snow expected tomorrow. Maybe while being snowbound His wisdom will be revealed.

  4. Two feet!!! Wow! But you'll be good with all your canned provisions!

  5. Your header verse is my favorite, When I had a crisis, this verse came to me again and again.

  6. Sometimes I'd rather be somewhere else. I guess challenges are good...
