
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Morning Coffee - Jumbled Pieces

“When My Presence is the focal point of your consciousness, all the pieces of your life fall into place.”  
Sarah Young – Jesus Calling
When I read this I thought of a jig-saw puzzle and how we try to make sense of the 1,000 little pieces heaped in a jumble on the table.  The first thing we look at is The Box.  We need The Box to show us where we are headed; to tell us what the various colors and patterns of the individual pieces mean and where they fit into the whole.  The only way to see the result of those jumbled pieces is to keep that Box close and let it be our guide. Without it we are lost.

And so it is with my life.

Time to pour a second cup of coffee and make sure My Box is close by so that I can better see the purpose and direction of the jumbled pieces of my life.



  1. I'll never look at jigsaw puzzles the same way again, Sandy! I think your observations are just as wise and wonderful as Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman!

  2. Thanks, Jane, for the nice comment.

    Hope you continue with your own posts. I've learned a lot from you over the past couple of years of following you.

  3. Interesting thought! Christ is the perfect ONE to focus on and let Him live His life through us!

  4. Sandy.... perfect.... I love how you bring those little gifts to us each time you post.... tiny pieces of the puzzle we need for the day.
