
Friday, September 16, 2011

Because He Said So!

Yesterday I received in the mail a Devotional book – Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young - from a friend who thought I might find it helpful.  She had received a copy herself when her husband was ill and continues to use it now for her daily quiet time.

This morning I began with the September 16th message which offered in part:

“Though I may lead you along paths that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing.  If you follow Me wholeheartedly, you will discover facets of yourself that were previously hidden.  I know you intimately – far better than you know yourself.  In union with Me, you are complete.  In closeness to Me, you are transformed more and more into the one I designed you to be.”

“…trust that I know what I am doing.”   I don’t know how many times Jim and I talked about this very idea.  Trust God – because for whatever reason this is the path chosen for us.  We may not understand – or even be glad that we were chosen – but it is our journey and we have to trust that it is best for us.  And I know that both of us discovered – and are still discovering – facets of ourselves that were previously unknown; even unfathomable.

God does keep his promises! He is faithful!   Which makes the promise of my completeness even sweeter.  I truly want to be the one He designed me to be and if I stay close to Him, I will be.  Because He said so!



  1. I'm so glad that you and Jim had time to talk about such things. Wonderful post! Thank you!

  2. What a great reminder that we are not the ones in charge. I read in Mrs. Cowan's devotional for today to remain "Hidden in Christ." And then she went on to discuss how we are hidden in many aspects and challenges in our lives. I thought of you and sent a prayer that God will hide you in His heart. ((Hugs))

  3. Thanks Jane for all of your encouraging words; you do lift a person's spirits!

    And Matty, your hugs would only be better if given on your front porch! (Can you tell I covet a real old fashion Front Porch.) (-:

    A big thanks to both of you for your friendship!

  4. Lovely posting! Blessings for a peaceful and beautiful day as you ponder those thoughts today!
